Preparing your scenes for Physics

Using the Ragdoll Behavior requires a few steps in order to enable physic in the scene.

Physics computation needs a Physical Locator to be present in the scene.
Physics Locator Attributes
You can use the default physical world (an infinite plane), or load your own scene world so that the characters collide correctly with it. 
In order to do that you need to create a .bullet file to be referenced in the Physics Locator


Depending on your Maya version, Bullet could be provided directly with Maya (2013 or higher) or you could need the Dynamica plugin to run bullet (see
To transform your environment in a bullet file:
  • Load the bullet (or dynamica) plugin in the plugin manager

The Bullet plugin loaded in Maya ( > 2013)


The Dynamica plugin loaded in Maya (2012)


  • Select the meshes you want to include in the physical world (other will be ignored in physics computation)
The .bullet export (hence Golaem Crowd) can only take into account Static meshes. The selected meshes should not be keyframed

  • If you are using bullet in Maya 2013 or 2014
    • Click on the "Create a dynamic Rigid Body object" icon in the bullet shelf  
    • Set its Body Type to "Static body" in the attribute editor


  • If you are using Dynamica in Maya 2012
    • Click on "Create passive mesh rigid bodies" in the dynamica shelf 
  • Go to file/export and select the .bullet file type

Please refer to Maya Bullet documentation for more details.

Enabling physics on the entities

Check the "Enable Physics" of the advanced attributes of your Entity Types.

As enabling physics impacts performances, only enable it on the Entity Types who will really be impacted by the ragdoll behavior


Create a ragdoll behavior

You will find more information on the Ragdoll Behavior Reference