A CrowdHSLShaderVRay can be used to modulate the H, S, L values of an existing shader
A Crowd HSL shader for V-Ray can be created using the following methods:
  • Hypershade: Maya / Utilities / CrowdHSLShaderVRay
  • MEL command: createNode CrowdHSLShaderVRay;


This shaders consists an input color and some parameters modifying the Hue, Saturation and Lightness values.
The crowd hsl shader for v-ray attributes
In Color the original color to modify;
H, S, L hue, saturation, lightness parameters (between -1. and 1.)
The HSL Shader for V-Ray node also exposes an output value which is the result of the multiplication of each component of the In Color by the corresponding parameter.