A CrowdHSLShaderMentalRay can be used to modulate the H, S, L values of an existing shader
It can be created using the following methods:
  • Hypershade: MentalRay / Materials / CrowdHSLShaderMentalRay
  • MEL command: createNode CrowdHSLShaderMentalRay;


This shaders consists an input color and some multiplicators modifying the Hue, Saturation and Lightness values.
Crowd HSL Shader for Mental Ray attributes
In Color the original color to modify;
H, S, L hue, saturation, lightness parameters (between -1. and 1.)

The HSL Shader for MentalRay node also exposes an output value which is the result of the multiplication of each component of the In Color by the corresponding parameter.

Link with the Model and Asset Manager

The HSL Shader for MentalRay should be used to feed the color of the model surface shader (here a simple gray blinn shader) so that it will modify its color (or any parameter you want to modify)
In the example below, we want to achieve color diversity on tshirts on top of a given texture.
Typical usage of a Crowd HSL shader for Mental Ray