RIB Files (for Renderman/3Delight...)

Golaem Crowd characters can be rendered with Pixar's RenderMan stand alone using the Crowd RenderMan plugin, with 3Delight using the Crowd 3Delight plugin or with any other RenderMan compliant renderer, using the Crowd RenderMan compliant plugin. These plugins are called via RIB files (RenderMan Interface Bytestream) at render time. For more details on how to render the Golaem Crowd characters, see the users guide.
Simulation Tool - Renderman Export
The following parameters are available in the RenderMan tab:
Enable enables the RIB export. All Crowd entities simulated in the selected Crowd fields will be exported to RIB files as procedural calls (no geometry is stored in RIB files)
Output Directory the directory to which to export the RIB files
RenderMan Plugin the name of the RenderMan plugin. For RenderMan, the name must be glmCrowdRendermanPlugin (dynamic library), for 3Delight, glmCrowd3DelightPlugin (dynamic library), and for the other renderers, glmCrowdRendermanCompliantPlugin (executable). The user can browse for the right plugin.

Motion Blur Parameters

Window Start (frame) the start frame for the motion blur window, relative to the current frame (floating point value)
Window Size (frame) the size of the motion blur window, in number of frames (floating point value)
Number Of Samples the number of motion blur samples (integer value)
Here is an example of what can be obtained when rendering with the RenderMan plugin.
Example of rendering result with the crowd renderman plugin