Adapt Orientation

A CrowdBeAdaptOrientation is a Behavior which can be used to adapt the Entities orientation (if this orientation is not controlled by another behavior).
An Adapt Orientation Behavior in the Behavior Editor
The Adapt Orientation Behavior may be useful when Maya fields are used for moving the particles. In this case the Adapt Orientation Behavior will adapt the orientation of the Entities according to particle velocity.
Creating an Adapt Orientation Behavior can be performed through the following options:
  • Behavior Editor / Behavior Library: 
  • Crowd Menu: Crowd Behaviors / Behaviors / CrowdBeAdaptOrientation Node
  • MEL command: glmCrowdBeAdaptOrientationCmd;



An Adapt Orientation Behavior defines the following specific attributes. To get more information about shared parameters, see here.

Direction Attributes

Direction attributes of an Adapt Orientation Behavior
Direction Mode

Select a computation mode for the direction

  • Per Particle Attribute: enables to specify a Per Particle Attribute from which to load the values
  • Locator Relative: compute the orientation so that the character faces a given locator
  • Automatic: compute the character orientation automatically based on velocity
Target DirectionPP The name of the Per Particle Attribute from which to load values if the Per Particle Attribute mode is active
Time to Turn Around The minimum time for the character to make a complete U-turn. The greater the value, the slower the character will be able to 
Use 3d Direction Load 3d values from the Per Particle Attribute
Bank Compute a bank orientation as well
Bank Scale  
Bank Limit Max possible value for bank