
The CrowdBeOpRandom is used to randomly select one connection among several connections. A weight can be allocated for each connection.
A Random Operator in the behavior editor
Notice that the order in which connections are added is not relevant. All conditions are evaluated, and then the random selection is performed among the valid connections, according to their weight.
Creating a Random Operator can be performed through the following options:
  • Behavior Editor / Behavior Library: 
  • Crowd Menu: Crowd Behaviors / Operators / CrowdBeOpRandom Node
  • MEL command: glmCrowdBeOpRandomCmd;



A random operator defines the following specific attributes.

Random In

Conditions of a random operator
Use the combo box in order to add a next Behavior. This behavior must be a child of the same Behavior Container as the Random Operator
Conditions of a Random Operator with connections
Weight The weight to apply to the current connection. This attribute is influenced by the random seed of the Crowd Manager