Simulation Cache Export

The Simulation Cache contains the positions, orientations, scales and joint orientations of each simulated Crowd Entity. The user can also choose additional PP attributes to export. Each frame is saved as a zipped Disney Partio file (.pdb32.gz) in the selected output directory.
The entities in this simulation cache can be edited in Maya as joints and exported back into the cache thanks to the Simulation Cache Editor
The simulation cache is also referenced in each Rendering Proxy to be passed to the procedural rendering plugin for geometry to be created at render time.

Simulation Tool - Simulation cache export
The following parameters are available in the Simulation Cache tab:
Enable enables the Simulation Cache export. If the checkbox is unchecked but one of the other exports is enabled, the simulation cache will still be exported in the cache subdirectory of the Output Directory of the first export.
Additional Attributes additional per particle attributes to export in the simulation cache. These attributes can be used as shader parameters. Attributes can be added via the + button and removed via the - button.
Output Directory the directory to which to export the Simulation Cache