V-Ray Proxy

Golaem Crowd Proxy for V-Ray is a special dependency node which, when a V-Ray rendering is launched, will automatically creates the crowd character geometry in your Maya Scene based on the exported simulation cache. This proxy will create a piece of Python script which will append an autogenerated vrscene to the global vrscene.

This node contains all the rendering parameters and is connected to the vRaySettings node.

Golaem Crowd Proxy for V-Ray
Render settings of V-Ray once a V-Ray proxy has been added to a scene
Creating a Crowd Proxy For VRay can be performed through the following options:
  • Crowd Render Menu: Crowd Proxy for V-Ray;
  • MEL command: glmCrowdProxyVRayCmd;


A Crowd Proxy for V-Ray defines the following attributes. If the proxy is created in a scene where a crowd is simulated, those parameters are automatically filled at its creation but are editable if needed.
Attributes of a Crowd Proxy for V-Ray

Time Attributes

Frame Rate the frame rate of the scene, filled from Maya values

Simulation Attributes

Scene Name the name of the Maya scene file, it should match the name of the exported cache and .caa files
Cache File Dir the directory where the simulation cache files have been exported
Cam File Path the file path to the Crowd Asset Manager file (.cam)
Caa File Path the file path to the Crowd Association file (.caa);

Rendering Attributes

Kill List a "," separated list of Entity Ids to exclude from rendering

Motion Blur Attributes

M Blur Enable when checked, it enables motion blur on the rendered characters.
M Blur Samples the number of motion blur samples (integer value)

Render Stats

The V-Ray proxy provides a set of render stats to control how the crowds is rendered. They pretty much match the standard Maya Render Stats.