A CrowdBeIK is a Behavior which can be used to make Entities reach a given target with a given body limb.
IK Behavior in the behavior editor
Creating an IK Behavior can be performed through the following options:
  • Behavior Editor / Behavior Library: 
  • Crowd Menu: Crowd Behaviors / Behaviors / CrowdBeIK Node
  • MEL command: glmCrowdBeIKCmd;


Result of two IK Behaviors applied on an Entity



An IK Behavior defines the following specific attributes. To get more information about shared parameters, see here

IK Attributes

IK attributes of an IK behavior
In Locator Maya locator attached to the CrowdBeIK. The locator will be used as a target for the IK constraint on the given IK bone. Select the locator with the combo box. Notice that, this locator can be animated.
Target Mode This attribute allows a choice of two target mode :
  • Absolute: The locator position will be used as a target for the IK constraint on the given IK bone.
  • Relative: The locator direction (from the center of the scene) will be use a target for the IK constraint on the given IK bone.
IK Bone Body effector which will be used to reach the IK target (e.g. head, left wrist, right wrist)
IK Bone Range

Number of bones of the body limb chain which will be used to reach the IK target;

Result of an IK behavior with a bone range of 2 (LEFT) and a bone range of 7 (RIGHT)

Starting / Stopping Duration (in seconds)

Time used to start/stop the animation. It ensures smooth transition when starting/stopping the IK. These duration can be viewed as a time during which a multiplier weight is applied to priority: from 0 to 1 for starting (from inactive to fully active IK), from 1 to 0 for stopping (from active to inactive IK).