Population Tool

The population tool node is a locator which can be created thanks to the Population Tool Creator

A Population Tool node defines the following attributes:

Attributes of a Population Tool Locator

General Attributes

This part defines the general attributes of the Population Tool Locator.
Notice that all of them are influenced by the random seed (see the Crowd Manager):
Number of particles Number of wanted particles. Notice that if the zone is too small or contains too many obstacles, it is not always possible to generate the wanted number of particles
Particles placed Actual number of particles placed in the area. Notice that this attribute is not editable
Radius Radius of the relative CrowdEntities. It is recommended to use the CrowdEntity mesh radius, especially when using navigation
Distance Distance between particles
Noise Position noise of CrowdEntities
Quincunx placing Use a quincunx shape for particles placing

Without a quincunx placing (1) and with a quincunx placing (2)
Orientation Orientation of CrowdEntities
Look At

Modify the orientation of CrowdEntities in order to look at a Locator

Look at orientation

Orientation Noise Orientation noise of CrowdEntities
Number of columns Number of columns of the area. This attributes is only enable with the center point shape
Number of rows Number of rows of the area. This attributes is only enable with the center point shape.

CrowdEntityTypes Attributes

Entity Types selected in the Population Settings are present in this layout.
Each selected Entity Type has an attribute defining its weight relative to other selected Entity Types.
New Entity Types can be added by choosing it in the combo box and by clicking on add button (+). On the other hand current EntityTypes can be removed by clicking on remove button (-) or the remove all button.
CrowdEntityTypes Attributes
The ratio of Entity Types in the Population Tool Locator will be affected by changing the weight attributes. This attribute is influenced by the random seed (see the Crowd Manager).
Illustration of the use of Entity Types during the placement step
Illustration of the use of Entity Types during the placement step with different weights

Terrain Attributes

This part defines the terrain attributes of the Population Tool Locator:

Terrain selection
In Terrain Mesh Terrain Locator attached to this Population Tool. The Terrain locator will be used to make the particles adapting to the terrain. Select the Terrain with the combo box.

Illustration of placement on a terrain with navmesh


Emission Attributes (Per Particles)

This part defines per-particles emission attributes of the Population Tool:
Emission attributes (per particles)
Emit NParticles Emit this population tool in an nParticle system
Init DirectionPP Name Name of the vector per-particle field of the relative particle system, in which the orientation of the Entities will be exported. If the field does not exist, it is automatically created
Entity TypePP Name Name of the float per-particle field of the relative particle system in which the Entity Type of the Entities will be exported. If the field does not exist, it is automatically created. The Id of an Entity Type can be found in the attribute editor (see here)
RadiusPP Name Name of the float per-particle field of the relative particle system, in which the radius of the Entities will be exported. If the field does not exist, it is automatically created
Export Crowd Entity Type Colors in Particles Export the Entity Type colors in a per-particle field of the created particle shape, see below to define the name of this field
ColorPP Name Name of the color per-particle field of the relative particle system, in which the color of the Entities will be exported. If the field does not exist, it is automatically created
Enable Conserve Attribute In Particle System Enable or disable the conserve attribute in the created particle system
Particle Render Type Select the render type of the created particle system

Emission Attributes

This part defines the emit particles options:
Particle System

Choose "New" to create a new particle system, or select a previously created particle system to merge or replace it with the current particles. This particle system could be created by the Population Tool or by the regular Maya particle emitters (see here)

Particle system selection

Replace Particle System Replace the particle system selected in the previous combo box by the current one. Notice that replacing a Particle shape will keep the existed connections and expressions.
Emit particles After playing with all parameters in order to get the wanted repartition, press this button to emit particles in the wanted particle system, with an initialization direction, an Entity Type, a radius and other requested attributes
Emit particles from selected tools

After playing with all parameters in order to get the wanted repartition for each Population Tool, select several Population Tool and press this button to emit particles from selected Population Tools in a new particle system with an initialization direction, an Entity Type, a radius and other requested attributes.

Emit particles from selected tools

Tips: In order to create several Population Tool Locators from the same shape, it is possible to duplicate a Population Tool. On the other hand, it is recommended to use the Duplicate Special command (Edit / Duplicate special), with the Duplicate input connections option enabled, in order to conserve the connection with the navMesh.

8.1.4 Locator Display Attributes

This part defines the locator display attributes:
Locator display attributes

Show Particle Index Display the particle index in the viewport. Very useful when scripting
Locator Height Height of the Population Tool. Particles will still be generated on the terrain.