Helpers & Additional Functionalities

Some context menus are provided to optimize assets manipulation by clicking on the right mouse button over items.
At the Assets item level, the user can:
  • expand: expand all sub-items;
  • collapse: collapse all sub-items.
At the Character item level, the user can:
  • expand: expand all sub-items
  • collapse: collapse all sub-items
  • rename: rename the Character's name. It is also possible to rename the item by clicking in the name field when the item is already selected. If the new name already exists in the list of characters, an error message is prompted and the action is cancelled. If a Rendering Type is associated to the current character, the name of the character in the Rendering Types view is also updated
  • duplicate: duplicate the selected character, including all Assets Groups, the Mesh Assets and the associated Meshes. The new character name is automatically set : '_copy1' is appended to the name of the selected character. This suffix is incremented each time the user duplicates the character.

At the Assets Group item level, the user can:

  • expand: expand all sub-items
  • collapse: collapse all sub-items
  • rename: rename the group. It is also possible to rename the item by clicking in the name field when the item is already selected. If the new name already exists in the list of Assets Groups, an error message is prompted and the action is cancelled. If a Rendering Type is associated to the current character, the name of the corresponding Asset Group is also updated.
At the Mesh Asset item level, the user can:
  • exclude mesh assets: this allows to define assets that are incompatible across groups. When selecting this menu, the user is prompted to select incompatible mesh assets from other assets groups. Once added, the excluded mesh assets are displayed in the Assets tab, under the selected mesh asset. In this case, the bow is incompatible with the shields as they are used on the same hand.
Assets Manager - Exclude mesh assets
Assets Manager - Excluded mesh assets
At the Shader level, the user can:
  • rename: rename the shader. If the new name already exists, the same shader instance is used.
  • change category: change the category of the shader