Rendering With Renderman Studio

Note that before trying to render, you should make sure you created a .cam file and assigned a Rendering Type to your Entities.
Also make sure that your source character shaders has been imported in your scene and that they are active (see Quickstart / Importing Shader) for more details)

Basic rendering

Export simulation

1/ Use the simulation tool to export a simulation cache as well as RIB files.

Golaem Crowd provides a procedural rendering plugin for Renderman Studio in Maya. The plugin is installed under procedurals/ in Golaem Crowd's installation directory. The file name of the plugin is glmCrowdRendermanStudioPlugin.dll (.so).
Note that thanks to procedural rendering, it is possible to change assets repartition, lights, cameras... at any time, without reexporting simulation.

Create a render proxy

2/ Load the Golaem Crowd Render plugin, and create a Renderman Proxy

Select Renderman as your current renderer

3/ Select Renderman in the Maya Render/Render Using menu

Check your render settings

4/ Go to CrowdRender/Check Render Settings and follow instructions if something is wrong


5/ Hit Render, and you are done!
If your Entities are not correctly rendered you can check the Troubleshooting Rendering section

RendermanStudio and Shaders

Here are some important remarks about Renderman Studio and the way it translates its shaders to the RIB file format:
When translating a Maya scene into the RIB file format, Maya shader names are postfixed with _rfm (e.g. lambert1 becomes lambert1_rfm). Thus, if a crowd character uses a Maya shader, it is needed to edit its Assets Manager file (.cam) and postfix the name of the Maya shader the same way.
When translating a Maya scene into the RIB file format, Renderman shaders are not translated at all and will not exist anymore in the resulting RIB file. Instead of it, it is its related Slim shader which will be linked to the corresponding Maya geometry. Thus, if a crowd character uses a Renderman Surface shader, it is needed to edit its Assets Manager file (.cam) and replace it by its corresponding Slim shader (without any postfix).
Example of a RenderMan shader linking a slim shader