
The Motion Locator can be used to check that a motion has been correctly exported.

Creating a Motion Locator can be performed through the following options:

  • Crowd Shelf: 
  • Crowd Menu: Motion Locator
  • MEL Command: glmMotionLocatorCmd;

If a character is loaded and its root joint is selected when the Motion Locator is created, both nodes will be automatically mapped.

Connection between a skeleton root joint and a Motion Locator


The Motion Locator defines the following attributes:

Attributes of a Motion Locator

Start Frame Frame at which the motion will be reinitialized
In Skeleton Link to the root node of the 3D character skeleton on which the motion will be played. To know how to map two nodes, please refer to the Usual Manipulations
Skeleton File (.gsk file) File describing the skeleton (see here)
Mapping File (.gskm file) File describing the correspondence between the Golaem Crowd internal skeleton and the current 3D character skeleton in Maya (see here)
Motion File (.s4d file) Motion to play (see here).
When all the attributes are defined, play forward the animation in Maya. The character will start to play the given motion from the specified start frame. Each time the current time reaches the start frame, the motion and the character are reinitialized.
Motion locator in action