Set Terrain Adaptation

A CrowdBeSetTerrainAdaptation is a behavior which can be used to change the Entities ground adaption mode.
Note that this behavior should only be used to change the adaptation mode dynamically. For other cases, it is possible to set it directly in the Crowd Field or Entity attributes.
A Set Terrain Adaptation Mode behavior in the behavior editor

Creating a Set Terrain Adaptation Behavior can be performed through the following options:

  • Behavior Editor / Behavior Library: 
  • Crowd Menu: Crowd Behaviors / Behaviors / CrowdBeSetTerrainAdaptation Node
  • MEL command: glmCrowdBeSetTerrainAdaptationCmd;



A Set Terrain Adaptation Behavior defines the following specific attributes. To get more information about shared parameters, see here.

SetTerrainAdaptation Attributes

Set Terrain Adaptation attributes of a Set Terrain Adaptation Behavior
Entity TypePP Name This attribute allows a choice of five ground adaptation modes :
  • No Adaptation: No adaptation on the ground.
  • Fixed Height Estimation: The CrowdEntities will be placed at a fixed height above the ground (the height of the root).
  • Footprint Height Estimation: The CrowdEntities will be placed at such a height that makes the lower foot will touch the ground.
  • Footprint Adaptation Once: The footprints are once adapted to the ground. This mode is sufficient for static ground but will not work for dynamic ground.
  • Footprint Adaptation Each Frame: The footprints are adapted to the ground at each frame. Thus, the adaptation still works dynamic ground. On the other hand, it's more time consuming because it has to query the ground on its current shape at each frame.