Renderman Proxy

Golaem Crowd Proxy for Renderman Studio is a special Maya object which, when a Renderman Studio rendering is launched, will automatically create the crowd character geometry in your Maya Scene based on the exported simulation cache. This command will create an orange locator at the scene origin. This locator contains all the rendering parameters and has a special Renderman attribute.
Golaem Crowd Proxy for RenderMan Studio


Creating a CrowdProxyForRendermanStudio can be performed through the following options:
  • Crowd Render Menu: Crowd Proxy for Renderman Studio;
  • MEL command: glmCrowdProxyRendermanStudioCmd;


Note that to be able to create a CrowdProxyForRendermanStudio, Renderman Studio needs to be loaded in Maya (RenderMan_for_Maya.mll or Renderman for the newest versions).



A Crowd Proxy For Renderman Studio defines the following attributes. If the proxy is created in a scene where a crowd is simulated, most of those parameters are automatically filled at its creation but are editable if needed.
Attributes of a Crowd Proxy for Renderman Studio

Time Attributes

Frame the value of the current frame;
Frame Rate the value of the scene frame rate;

Simulation Attributes

Scene Name the name of the Maya scene file
RIB file dir the directory where the simulation RIB files have been exported

Workspace Attributes

RMS Crowd plugin dir the directory containing the crowd RendermanStudio plugin (usually plugins/rendermanStudioPlugin/ in Golaem Crowd's installation directory)
Add to RMS plugins path when checked, it will add the plugin directory above to the Renderman Studio procedural search path
Crowd shaders dir the directory containing the scene Renderman shaders (usually renderman/shaders/ in the Maya project directory)
Add to RMS shaders path when checked, it will add the shaders directory above to the Renderman Studio shaders search path
Crowd textures dir the directory containing the scene Renderman textures (usually renderman/textures/job/ in the Maya project directory)
Add to RMS textures when checked, it will add the textures directory above to the Renderman Studio textures search path