Managing Assets Diversity

To better understand how the asset weights are computed, please consider the following example
There are two rendering types in this example: Soldier and Bowman. Bowman is a child rendering type of Soldier.
According to the asset weights in this example, a soldier will always have a Body, a 25% chance to have a spear, a 15% chance to have a bow, a 50% chance to have a sword and a 10% chance to have no weapon. Notice that in the case of the weapons, the sum of the weights of each asset in the group equals 100 but this is not required. Thus for the shields, there is a 1 in 5 chance for a soldier to either have one of the 4 shield models or to have no shield.
Bowmen on the other hand only have bows and don't have any shields ([empty] asset).
On an army of 100 characters in a Crowd scene, if the Soldier rendering type is assigned to 90 of them and the Bowman rendering type to the remaining 10 characters, as each bowman has a bow, only 5 bows will remain for the rest of the army, in order to achieve a total of 15 bows - 15% of the whole army.
On the other hand, if the Soldier rendering type is assigned to 80 characters and the bowman to the remaining 20 characters, each Bowman will have a bow but no bow will remain for the rest of the army and the weights won't be fully respected (20% of bows instead of 15%).
Assets Manager - Asset Weights in Rendering Types