Set Formation

A CrowdBeSetFormation is a Behavior enabling a formation for a group of Entities. Formations are defined using a population tool.
A formation behavior in the behavior editor

Creating a formation behavior can be performed through the following options:

  • Behavior Editor / Behavior Library: 
  • Crowd Menu: Crowd Behaviors / Behaviors / CrowdBeSetFormation Node
  • MEL command: glmCrowdBeSetFormationCmd;


A navigation behavior defines the following specific attributes. To get more information about shared parameters, see here

Formation Attributes

Formation attributes of a formation behavior
In Formation Pool This attribute contain the set of available formations (i.e. the population tools) mapped to the Set Formation Behavior. If several formations are mapped, the next one in the list will be chosen if the Set Formation Behavior is restarted. Check the "Randomize Order" attribute in order to randomize the formations. To know how to map two nodes, please refer to the Usual Manipulations
Randomize Order see above.