No Order

The CrowdBeOpNoOrder is used to process a no-order sequence of Behaviors, e.g. it runs several Behaviors once, one by one, in a random order.
This operator handles children behaviors, but it can only contain Behavior Containers and built-in Behaviors, not Operators.
A No-Order operator in the behavior editor (empty and not)
The No-Order Operator keeps running until all the contained Behaviors were run exactly once.
Creating a No-Order Operator can be performed through the following options:
  • Behavior Editor / Behavior Library: 
  • Crowd Menu: Crowd Behaviors / Operators / CrowdBeOpNoOrder Node
  • MEL command: glmCrowdBeOpNoOrderCmd;


A No-Order Operator defines the following specific attributes.

Container Attributes

Children of a no-order operator
Children CrowdBehaviors and CrowdBeContainer contained in this CrowdBeContainer. To know how to map two nodes, please see Usual Manipulations